Bunny Slave

I am a slave to the bunny.

This morning I got up late – 11am (but it’s Sunday so who cares?). Gussy was waiting for me – and boy was he pissed! He normally gets fed his big bowl of veggies around 8:30am… so he was very upset that I hadn’t fed him yet. He had gone into his cage and tipped over his water bowl in protest, and had dragged his regular hay/pellet bowl to the middle of his cage.

So, I immediately picked up his bowl and went to get him some food. He wasn’t satisfied, though – he followed me into the kitchen and stood there, watching me, waiting for his breakfast. And when I did finally put his food down, he dug into it with a ferociousness I had never thought possible in a bunny rabbit (although from watching Monty Python & the Holy Grail, I should’ve known better).

Needless to say, I learned my lesson. Always feed the bunny!

Here’s some pics that have nothing to do with the above story (except that they are of a certain white furball who lives in my house):

Gussy under her play table

Here’s Gussy under the little chew toy table we bought him. He liked hiding under it, because there were some clothes on top of it that made it feel more secure. What a silly bunny!

Gussy chewing on hisr chew toy

Here’s Gussy chewing on that same table. Note the creepy eyes – he’s a killer!

Gussy in a corner of the livingroom

And here’s Gussy in his favorite spot – in the corner of the livingroom, behind his Cottontail Cottage. Note how relaxed he is – it’s a tough life, isn’t it Gussy?

UPDATE: You can follow the adventures of Gus and Betsy now on their own blog, The Life and Times of Bunnies!

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.

1 comment

  1. what cute pics! love them, cant believe she is hiding under that table … good to see she is using it more. yes, feed the bunny … she was proabbly sitting at the door waiting for you…id watch out, DCS will come knocking on the door and take her away for neglect…feeding her 3 hours late…how can you look at yourself in the mirror!!

    More pics of the bunny!!

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