How can corruption be so obvious and yet go so unchallenged by anyone?
Tag: society
So Much is Wrong
No matter how terrible things get, remember that wrong is wrong.
Existing and Resisting
As long as there is a breath in my body, I shall not cease to be a thorn in the side of those who would prevent others from being who they want to be, or denying the rights of others to live as they choose, or spreading hatred and fear of our fellow humans instead… Continue reading Existing and Resisting
I Do Not Consent
It should go without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) that I am very, very, very much not happy with the direction my country is going as of late.
Technology, Optimism, and the Future
The idealistic dream of “technology for good” gives way to the realization that technology – like anything – is just a tool, and can be used for good or ill.