Updated StarKeith.net

I’m trying to move the focus more to my blog, since my StarKeith site gets little attention from me these days. It’s just hard to do content for, once you’ve got the basic data down. Though later it may make a comeback.

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Photoblog THIS

Images from yesterday’s Thanksgiving “drive your car into my house” incident.

What the…?

My first Thanksgiving on my own is interrupted by… someone driving their car into my house?!?

Categorized as personal

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone… I hope y’all have a great Turkey Day. Even if you aren’t eating turkey, for some reason.

Categorized as personal


In case anyone forgot, today is INTERNATIONAL KEITH DAY. That means – take the day off from work, school, etc. It also means I’m 26. AIIIEEEEE!!!!