What the…?

Current mood: Shocked

Currently listening to: the sound of chain saws outside my window

So, it’s about 2:30 or 3:00 this afternoon, and Amanda and I are sitting down to dinner (which came out good, BTW).

Suddenly, BANG! The whole house shakes (and I mean SHAKES). We hear the sound of a car engine revving – my first thought was “oh my god some kid has rammed his car into the house!”

It turned out to be an elderly hispanic woman with her two kids (grandkids?) in the car. A white Lincoln continental (or something like it) had rammed my side porch where I park, and driven off the ledge in the back of the house into the trees that separate this lot from the one behind us.

Fun fact #1: the woman who was driving didn’t have her license on her.

Fun fact #2: she says she hit the brakes – it’s clear from the sounds and the burnout marks in the ground that she hit the accelerator instead.

Fun fact #3: That side of my house is no longer “true,” it’s been knocked sideways somewhat – due to the fact that as the car went over the ledge, it pulled the granite blocks out, on which that corner of the house rests – and the foundation of this house was built without mortar.

I’ve got lots of pictures to post later. I’m still in a state of shock. No one was hurt, but… well, it’s just crazy.

More reactions & pictures later, when I’ve calmed down a bit. I’m going to go eat the rest of my dinner.

Categorized as personal

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.