So both Gussy and Betsy have been de-sexed, and all is well in our home with the bunnies. But it was not always so… for the first week after Betsy had been spayed, we had to keep them separated.
This is our “bunny barrier.” It was a hard week for both bunnies – they wanted to get to the other side – and we had to keep them separated (for their own good).
However, eventually we were able to let them be together for a while towards the end of that week, when Betsy had nearly recovered.
When Gussy wasn’t chasing Betsy, he was eating her food! She didn’t seem to mind, though. She’d just go into the livingroom and eat his when he wasn’t looking, so it was all good.
Once we dropped the “bunny barrier” for good on Friday, they settled down fairly quickly. We feed them together, and aside from making sure that they both get their bit of banana, we let them eat out of whichever bowl they prefer. Which works out pretty well.
Gussy still likes pellets on the side, though.
But Betsy likes pellets, too.
There’s our new bun, Betsy, just chillin’. Actually, she’s probably wondering where all the food went – she’s quite a pig!
Actually, Betsy is still quite skittish – she won’t let me pet her, though she does let Amanda pet her for a bit. Gussy has quietly accepted Betsy into his life, and doesn’t follow her around anymore, trying to mount her. We’ve nicknamed Betsy “destructo-bunny,” because she likes to chew things that she shouldn’t – like Gussy’s cottontail cottage, and the cable wires. Gussy knows enough not to chew on these sorts of things, but Betsy hasn’t figured that out yet, so I still have to yell at her from time to time when she gets caught doing something wrong. She also seems to like digging more than Gussy – we catch her digging in the corners sometimes, and especially in her litterbox (which creates a huge mess). I’m hoping she grows out of it – or that Gussy will teach her not to do that. Only time will tell, though!
So there you have it – the life and times of our bunnies!
UPDATE: You can follow the adventures of Gus and Betsy now on their own blog, The Life and Times of Bunnies!