A (Renewed) Case for Encryption

I kind of hoped that this NSA/PRISM/wholesale government surveillance business would re-energize people into actually getting back into using encryption – but sadly it doesn’t seem that way. Content encryption – as opposed to just endpoint encryption, like SSL – is important, and especially so in light of this kind of wholesale government surveillance.

Unsubscribe me NOW, Damnit!

If there’s one thing that really annoys me, it’s crappy methods of unsubscribing from email newsletters and mailing lists that end with “it may take up to 10 days to process your request.”

Holiday Spam Tricks

There was a brief period about a week ago where the amount of spam I was receiving (in the multiple unrelated email addresses I have) suddenly dropped. Yay! But, alas, the spam has come back – with a vengance. One in particular that seems to be slithering by most spam filters at the moment is… Continue reading Holiday Spam Tricks