New Chair

For the longest time, I’ve had the feeling that my office was missing something – it was a nice work space, but there was no way to relax in my office (my office chair is good for sitting and typing; not so comfy for relaxing, reading, or watching videos). So I’d had my eyes open… Continue reading New Chair

First Light

Apparently it’s common to refer to the first time you use your telescope as “first light.” Which I guess makes sense. Anyway, I had “first light” with my Meade ETX-80AT-BB a week or so ago, and I figured I’d share the tale. Now, for my first time using the scope (for real), I decided to… Continue reading First Light

Telescope Tale

This is a story about a stupid mistake. I’m sure that many people who read this story will figure out the mistake before I get to the end, but needless to say, I didn’t figure it out, and neither did 3 other camera/telescope experts. So, perhaps there are other people out there just like me… Continue reading Telescope Tale