Desktop Madness Vol. 22

Could it be? Another multi-wallpaper installment of Desktop Madness?

Oh yeah.


Update: Thanks to WordPress 2.5 I was able to go back and fix the uploads on those two images that didn’t work the last time, and make use of the lovely new gallery feature. So… enjoy! (Again!)

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.


  1. i love the french fry one. any chance you could make the design available on a shirt?

  2. i agree with annie! I think it’s great=) if you do make it available on shirt be sure to let me know…

  3. Well, I don’t own the design, so I can’t make it into a T-shirt and sell it without violating the owner’s copyright. But if you click on the image, you can download the full-sized image yourself, and there are plenty of places on the web where you can get a t-shirt made from an image. (I just can’t do it for you, for legal reasons.)

  4. That’s exactly what she’d do to poor Kyon, too – just grab him by the shirt. Poor guy, I always feel sorry for him when watching the show!

  5. I was hoping to view more how they supervise the struggle of trying to break in and live a normal life which I suppose up to the first major crisis it does deal with to some extent. But after that life outer to the mangaka universe appears to be unnoticed. Possibly thats the solution, that this cosmos is all consuming.

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