garote: openGL rant

garote: openGL rant

I love this kind of stuff. (Be sure to click the link above to read the whole story.)

quick quiz:
how do you draw lines, points, and triangles in open gl?

  • A: with triangles.

Answer: A.

points and lines are all busted and broken and worthless. quake 3 uses triangles, so they work. you want a point? use two triangles. you want a line? use two triangles.
god damn fucking shit.
so in order to draw the pretty 3 pixels wide line, i made a 5×1 TEXTURE of a line.
was re: god damn fucking shit.
then i stretch the texture over a carefully positioned pair of triangles, and nobody’s the wiser.

cost: 6 hours of my life.

Nothing like hearing a hacker rant about technology. Ah, music to my ears.

Categorized as tech

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.