DHS Enforces Copyright?

Schneier on Security: DHS Enforces Copyright

Bruce has got a good point – and he raises a good question: “why is the Department of Homeland Security busting video pirates?”

Some people might not like my answer to that question.

The simple answer is, of course, that the DHS is abusing its power. That’s all.

With so much going on these days, with bigger & bigger government, it is almost 100% certain that any agency is absolutely going to abuse its powers – to try to go beyond their legal bounds are – and to extend their reach as far as possible. It’s just a fact. A sad fact, but a fact nonetheless.

In a democratic society, “power” (such as it is) ultimately comes from the people themselves. Increasingly, however, we (Americans) are loosing that power to an increasingly less democratic government.

If you doubt that this is really happening, and just think I’m a crackpot… go read this article again.

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.