Firefox Update

Firefox – Rediscover the web

There’s an update to Firefox which everyone should get. You see, someone figured out how to use international characters in a domain name to make it look like you’re visiting a “real” site, when in fact you’re visiting a “fake” site. The problem is in all the different characters for all the different languages supported by things like unicode & whatnot. So, to stop this, the new version of Firefox displays certain domain names in a different way, if they use this “trick.” Now, for international users (i.e. anyone who’s language is not English) this may make it a little weird when viewing legitimate sites that use foreign characters; but all in all it’s safer this way for everyone.

Remember folks, “phishing” scams are the biggest thing going on the ‘net these days. BE CAREFUL when going to a site you think you trust (paypal, ebay, etc.), and always be double-careful when entering in passwords or financial information. A little awareness on your part can go a long way in protecting you from scams!

Categorized as tech

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.