An Open Journal

Some people have said to me that reading my blog feels like peeking into someone’s journal that you found lying open somewhere.

While I can understand that I sometimes get personal here, it’s good to remember that, well, the whole point of this thing is to be read, to be found, and for people to peek into it whenever they want. So don’t be shy! Although this site started as a “journal” of sorts for me to help get my thoughts out (and keep from going postal), nowadays it’s more a rant space, and a place for me to “think out loud,” if you will. I’ve said before, that blogging is like having your own personal talk radio station – except that it’s not on the radio. Or something like that. Anyways, the similarities are still there – as “host” you can talk about pretty much whatever you like, and people (visitors) will hear (read) what you say, and (sometimes) comment back to you (like callers on talk radio). And since anyone can put up a blog, it’s like everyone can have their own talk radio show – 24/7. And in a world where too few people truly think about things (at least any more than what the boob-tube tells them), that can only be a Good Thing.

Peace out, yo.


Categorized as personal

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.