What’s your dream?

What’s your dream?

My dream is
to own my own home,
in the country,
surrounded by a forest
of green trees,
and no neighbors
for miles.

To have an entertainment center,
a big one, with a TV and stereo,
and DVD player,
so we can entertain guests
when they come over
and watch movies
with us.

To have a big stereo
that goes all through the house,
so wherever I go,
I can hear music.
I want it to be big, and loud,
so I can fill my body
with music,
and sing at the top of my lungs
and still be heard only by me.

To work at being creative,
I’m an artist at heart,
but my medium
is a little strange.
Computers and configurations,
are my canvas.
For each network I set up,
for each database I build,
to me, it’s art, in the design.
Order vs. Chaos.
That is always my theme.
Sometimes I use paper
to express myself,
writing stories,
and sometimes poems,
and on very rare occasions,
drawing pictures
of spaceships and sailor scouts.

To live with you, Amanda,
the one I love,
waking up each morning
eager to see you.
Each moment during the day
that we are apart
is spent in anticipation
of when we meet again.
Going to sleep at night,
secure, happy, content,
with you next to me.

This is my dream.

What’s yours?

Categorized as poems Tagged

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.