• Where’s Dinner?

    Sometimes dad is really late with dinner, and we have to give him subtle hints that it’s time to feed us.

    where is dinner This one usually works pretty well. The double-dose of disapproval really gets his attention.

    I can happily report that just after this picture was taken, dinner was served.



  • My New Hiding Spot

    I’m really mad at dad. He said I’d only have to have stuff put in my ear for 2 weeks. Well, it’s been more than 2 weeks now and he’s still doing it.

    In protest, I decided to cause some trouble, by going somewhere I’m not supposed to, of course!

    betsy is somewhere she should not be

    You might be wondering how these pictures were taken – well, mum took them. And I love mummy because she never picks me up and never puts stuff in my ear.

    Also, mum lets me go places dad would shoo me away from. Mum is awesome.

    betsy is curious about magazinesAlso, we share the same taste in magazines! Yum!

    betsy's new hiding spot So, this is the hiding spot I settled on. Not bad, huh?

    Unfortunately dad found me, so it wasn’t as good as I hoped. But still, I managed to avoid him for most of the day, so I guess I’ll take what I can get.

    Next time dad, I won’t be so easy on you!


  • Can’t a bun just take a nap?

    It seems I can’t even take a nap without dad snapping a picture of me, or checking to see if I’m still alive (something about the way we flop over when we’re sleeping really freaks him out – it’s great fun).

    But geez, can’t a bun just take a quiet nap around here without being disturbed?

    betsy flopped (next to gus) with ear up I tried using Gus as my shield against dad, but it didn’t work so well. Dad still saw me and took a picture (after looking very closely to see if I was still breathing – he is such a worry-wart).

    You’d think my tunnel would be a good place for a nap, but dad finds us in there, too – and there’s nothing worse than waking up from a nap only to see dad’s head framed at the end of the tunnel. Ugh.

    Does anybun have any suggestions for good napping places? Or where is your favorite place to flop out for a quick snooze?


  • Feed Us Or Else

    Sometimes the service around here is a little slow. When it gets too bad, we have to take drastic measures. Like this:

    gus and betsy - up to no good Feed us now or else!

    We can threaten to chew mum’s shoes, or the couch, or just give dad the evil eye. It usually works pretty well – for example, shortly after this picture was taken, breakfast was served.

    gus and betsy eating breakfast Much better. OM NOM NOM NOM.

    p.s. In case anyone wants to know, Betsy is doing OK (as you can see), but she still has the facial paralysis problem and she is still getting the medicine in her ear, which she hates. She has another week of treatment to go, so we’ll see how she is then.


  • Tunnel Buns

    Even Gus enjoys our tunnel – but sometimes we both want to sit in it, which results in having to make some compromises with positioning.

    snuggling in the tunnel Whenever dad sees us like this, he says we are being “snuggle bunnies in the bunny-love tunnel.” But he’s totally mistaken; we’re actually in the middle of a shoving match to see who gets to flop in the middle of the tunnel. Dad just doesn’t understand though – probably because our shoving matches happen in slow motion. I guess I can see why he might confuse this with “snuggling.” But he’s still wrong.

    By the way, in case you were wondering, dad is still putting stuff in my ears. The vet said I have an abscess at the back of my head, at the bottom of my ear canal. The stuff being put in my ears is supposed to treat this, or so I hear. We’ll see…

    Anyway, aside from being picked up far more often than I would like, I am fine – thank you everyone for asking!


  • Stop Touching My Ears!!

    I really don’t like the vet.

    She poked me, prodded me, felt every inch of my body (and especially my head), stuck things in my mouth, and most annoyingly, stuck things in my ears – and then put STUFF in my ears!

    And to make matters worse, now dad and mum are picking me up and putting stuff in my ears twice every day. For the next 2 weeks.

    Having stuff in my ear just feels weird and I have to shake my head after they put me down and fuss with my ear for a long while until I feel normal again.

    It is all very undignified. I strongly disapprove of all this treatment. But I will have my revenge – I will run away every time dad comes to pick me up. I will run all the way to the other side of the house, and then back again. I will not make it easy on dad! My hope is that eventually he will give up.

    Anyway, now that the VET visit is over, I need to go sulk in my tunnel. Dad, you’d better stay away!!


  • Facial what now?

    Mum and dad think there’s something… not quite right with my lips. They think I look a little… “lop-sided.” Is that a pun? If so, I really disapprove of it.

    To add insult to… well, more insult, they picked me up and took a picture of my face (just after I had eaten, which explains the fur stains).

    betsy - right lip abnormality-1 Apparently dad also sent this picture to the VET, and even she said something doesn’t look right. I think I overheard “facial paralysis?”

    In any case, dad is taking me to the vet today. Ha! That was a joke. You can TRY to take me to the vet, dad, but I’m going to thump and hide until you give up. Since I’ll win in the end, you might as well just forget about it. I don’t want to go to the vet. I hate the hour-long car ride. I hate the car ride, period. I hate the smell of the vet’s office. I don’t like being touched. I’m fine, just leave me alone!!

    I hope dad gets the message. If not, I will have some serious disapproving to do when we get back home.


  • Clean Litterbox = Nap Time

    Dad cleaned my litterbox today, which means it’s time to take a nap!

    gus napping on his side in his litterbox

    Ahhhh, there’s nothing like a clean litterbox!

    gus takes a nap in his clean litterbox

    I can just relax… well, almost. I need to keep one ear out (up) because dad is nearby, hovering over me with his stupid camera.

    betsy with one leg sticking out Betsy says she doesn’t understand why I love laying in a clean litterbox. She doesn’t know what she’s missing out on.


  • My Turn for Guard-Bunny Duty

    Normally, Gus is the one who acts as the “guardbunny.” But the other day, I decided to give it a try.

    gus napping with betsy as guard-bun Of course, unlike Gus, I’m not guarding dad’s office or anything. I’m guarding our napping spot behind the chair.

    closeup of napping gus and guard betsy

    Nope, sorry dad, you’re not allowed to go past me and disturb Gus while he’s sleeping.

    flopped napping gus

    Hey, what are you doing? No fair using zoom! No photos! No photos!

    betsy acting as a guard-bunny I’ll let it slide this time dad, but don’t you dare try something like that again!

    Hmmm, maybe I’m just not cut out for guard-bunny duty?


  • I Love My Tunnel

    I love the tunnel that mummy bought for me. It is the best place to hide in and also to take a peaceful nap in.

    betsy flopped in her tunnel In fact, I love it so much that I pretty much spend all my time in the tunnel nowadays. Dad says I spend too much time in there, but what does he know?
