• Rabbit Awareness Week

    Apparently it’s Rabbit Awareness Week over in the UK, and while we don’t live there, we do have lots of bunny friends “across the pond,” and we always like an opportunity to increase people’s awareness of rabbits, so here goes.

    Common Misconceptions about Rabbits

    Rabbits are not as common a pet as cats and dogs (I have no idea why this is, but anyway…) and because of this, there is a lot of misinformation out there. That’s not to say that people don’t know things about rabbits, it’s just that the things they know are often completely wrong.

    Rabbits eat nothing but carrots: I blame cartoons for this one. Rabbits eating carrots is like dogs chewing bones or mice eating cheese; yeah, sure, it might be something they like, but it’s not actually what they should be eating for every single meal. In cartoons, kids are almost always eating candy or ice cream, but in real life you wouldn’t feed a child nothing but candy and ice cream, would you? In other words, don’t use what you’ve seen in cartoons as an authoritative source for how you should care for a rabbit – or any other animal, for that matter!

    Rabbits need to live in a hutch with a wire floor: This is horribly false, and comes about from people raising rabbits for food and thus not caring about their comfort and wanting to make cleaning up as easy as possible (thus maximizing the work/food ratio). Wire floors don’t work for rabbits, since we don’t have pads on our feet (just fur). If it wouldn’t be comfortable for your feet, it won’t be comfortable for a rabbit’s feet. As for the “clean up” aspect, rabbits are easily litter-box trained (like a cat) so there’s no excuse (except laziness) for not giving a rabbit a solid floor and a nice clean litter-box.

    Rabbits should be picked up by the scruff of the neck: I hate this one, and I really don’t know where people get this silly idea. What other animal do you always pick up by the scruff of its neck, anyway? Maybe kittens, when they are small, but still… we’re not kittens! And that goes doubly for when we’re grown up! Just… don’t do this! Pick up a rabbit carefully, supporting the whole body and especially the back feet. (Or better yet, don’t pick us up at all – we don’t particularly enjoy it. Well, at least I don’t!)

    All rabbits love to snuggle and cuddle: This one is only wrong when you say “all rabbits.” Rabbits all have different personalities, and some of us enjoy cuddling, and some of us don’t. But even if we do like cuddling, be careful – we’re still (relatively) small animals and you are very much bigger than we are and you can hurt us by accident (children especially can make this terrible mistake).

    Rabbits just need to be fed pellets and water: A lot of the misconceptions regarding rabbits seem to involve food. This one again comes from people raising rabbits as food. Pellets were originally developed to help rabbits grow big & fat quickly so they could be eaten. If you’re keeping a rabbit as a pet you don’t want to feed your rabbit pellets… at least, not all the time. Pellets are better these days and they do have vitamins and stuff, so a little bit here and there is OK, but I’d say they should make up less than a quarter of your rabbit’s diet.

    Rabbits don’t live very long: This is a big misunderstanding that a lot of people learn about the hard way. The typical lifespan of an indoor, healthy house rabbit is about 8 or 10 years (plus or minus a few years either way depending on breed, size, etc.). The worst thing that can happen when people find out about this longer lifespan is that they get tired of the rabbit after a few years, and just try to dump it somewhere. There are precious few shelters for rabbits (not as popular as dogs and cats, remember?) and you can’t just let a domesticated rabbit go in the woods – the word “domesticated” isn’t there just because it sounds cool. If you’re not prepared to care for a rabbit for it’s whole life, maybe you shouldn’t get a rabbit in the first place.

    Rabbits can be released into the wild and survive: wrong, wrong, wrong. I mean, just look at me:

    gus flopped by my office door Do you think I could survive in the wild? I’d stick out like a sore thumb!! Plus, I am used to my food being brought to me twice daily in a nice, convenient bowl. What is this “foraging” thing you speak of? Like most domesticated rabbits, I would not stand a chance out in the wild without my bunny slave to take care of me.

    Ways Rabbits are like Cats

    When dad needs a quick analogy for what a house rabbit is like to live with, he often says that we’re like “vegetarian cats.” This is a decent enough analogy:

    • Can be easily litter-box trained
    • Sleep/nap all the time
    • Self-grooming (no baths required)
    • Somewhat independent
    • Can destroy your furniture with claws/teeth (but unlike cats, we can’t be “de-clawed”)

    Ways Rabbits are like Dogs

    OK, we’re not very much like dogs, but we do share a few common traits:

    • Social animals (need either frequent attention from you, or a companion animal to keep us company)
    • Need frequent exercise (though you can’t take us for a walk like a dog, we do need to run around – we can’t live cooped up in a cage/box all the time)
    • Like to chew things – although as rabbits, we prefer wood/cardboard/paper/etc. to chew on instead of bones or rubber toys!

    Ways Rabbits are like Horses

    This one surprises a lot of people, but we have some traits in common with horses as well. Interestingly, a lot more people seem to understand the needs of horses better than that of rabbits!

    • Can “go off our feed” – like a horse, if we stop eating, that’s a Very Bad Thing and we need to see a vet right away.
    • Eats lots and lots of hay – we basically need fresh hay available to us 24/7.

    Ways Rabbits are Totally Different from Cats and Dogs

    Even though we share some similarities to cats and dogs (as far as what it’s like to live with us as pets), we are very different animals:

    • Prey species: cats and dogs are predators. We are prey. This makes us very nervous and explains why we like to hide and don’t like being picked up or startled.
    • Vegetarian: it goes without saying, but we don’t eat meat. We eat vegetables – dark green leafy vegetables. And lots of hay.
    • Considered an “exotic” pet by most vets: unfortunately this means your vet bills are going to be higher. Be prepared for it.
    • Teeth grow constantly: this is part of the reason why we need to chew on things constantly. Give us stuff to chew on or we’ll find stuff to chew on. Or, if we aren’t allowed to chew on anything, eventually we won’t be able to eat and you’ll end up with a very big vet/dentist bill.

    Get More Information about Rabbits from the House Rabbit Society

    I hope I’ve helped raise your awareness of what it’s like to own and live with a rabbit – at least a little bit. Or, if you already knew this stuff, I hope you can pass it on to someone who doesn’t!

    If you want more information (and if you are thinking of living with a rabbit, you absolutely should get more information – I’ve only scratched the surface here), check out the House Rabbit Society or your local house rabbit organization.

    You can also read our bunny blog or one of the many other bunny blogs out there (some are linked on the right side of this page) to get a feel for what it’s like to share your house with a rabbit.

    gus - bored by the stairs

    OK, that is all. Leave treats on the floor, and no touching please.


    p.s. feel free to leave your own little tidbits about rabbit awareness in the comments if you’d like!

  • Dramatic Zoom

    Dad says we haven’t been very photogenic lately, which is why we haven’t had many posts.

    So yesterday when he came out of his office for some more coffee, I was waiting.

    gus zoom 1


    gus zoom 2


    gus zoom 3


    gus zoom 4OK, dad. You got your stupid photos. Now give me some treats.


  • Puss-y Gussy

    Mum and dad sometimes say I look “puss-y” – as in, having a sour-puss face. They say I’m being “puss-y Gussy” (making the two words rhyme).

    pussy gussy I don’t know what they’re talking about though – that’s just my default expression.


  • Long-Bunny

    The other day we tried to trick dad. We tried to fool him into thinking we were really just one long bunny.

    long-bunny It didn’t work; he wasn’t fooled.

    Maybe next time Gus should try being the head and I’ll be the feet… hmmm…


  • Bunny Doorstop

    The other day I flopped down in front of the door to dad’s office. I haven’t done this in a while, but it always gets a good reaction from dad.

    gus flopped by my office door His first reaction to seeing this is usually to comment on how cute or handsome I am (well, duh).

    But then after a while he starts to think about it more deeply. Since dad is usually working in his office, when I’m flopped out like this right behind him, he really starts thinking about how he’s working hard and I’m just flopped on the floor.

    This usually gets him pretty worked up. Once this happens, my mission is accomplished and I usually get up and hop away, possibly giving him a foot flick in the process (especially if he tried to pet me or something).

    It’s fun playing with dad’s emotions.


  • Weird Looks

    Sometimes I like to sit and stare at dad. He says I sometimes look at him funny, too. Sitting and staring at dad really unnerves him; it’s great fun, I think everyone should try it.

    gus with a weird look After a while dad tends to get a little paranoid. As I said, it’s a great game to play, I love it.

    In this picture, after dad took the photo, he said he thought I looked like I was trying to set him on fire with my mind.

    I will neither confirm nor deny that, dad.


  • What are you looking at?

    What are you looking at, dad? I’m not up to anything. I’m just… sitting here. Enjoying the view. Yeah.

    betsy is up to no good I’m not plotting the destruction of any of your furniture, and I’m certainly not thinking about nibbling on the carpet or the curtains. And it goes without saying that I absolutely would not be thinking of scratching at anything or trying to dig in anything with my paws.

    So, you see dad, you can just put the camera down and relax.

    Oh, and if you could also look the other way for a little bit, that would be great too.


  • Bilateral Bunny

    Mum has been taking a biology course lately, and the other day she told me that my markings (as seen from above) are “bilaterally symmetrical.”

    betsy from above Mum thought this was pretty neat and seemed very pleased with herself.

    So I told her that she is bilaterally out of her mind. Then I proceeded to ignore her for the rest of the night.

    I think she got the hint.


  • Explaining our Downtime

    Our website was down for a few days – but we used twitter as a backup to explain what had happened:

    [blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/GusTheBunny/status/63941012061552640″]

    Of course, shortly after this, Betsy had to chime in:

    [blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/GusTheBunny/status/63941620583776256″]

    But I have no comment on that one.

    Anyway, we kept giving dad the “stare of disapproval” until he figured out a way to work around the problem, and obviously he did manage to do something.

    So anyway, that’s why our site was missing for a few days there. Sorry about that, but… it’s all dad’s fault!


  • Clean Litterbox Day: Then and Now

    Dad and mum both tell me I’ve always loved to lie in my clean litterbox – and they dug up this picture to prove their point:

    Baby Gus

    This is a picture of me when I was very young – less than a year old. As you can see, I was flopping in my clean litter even back then.

    I guess mum and dad saw some sort of similarity with the picture they took the other day. Or maybe they just wanted a reminder of how I was when I was little?

    gus napping in his litterbox

    But I didn’t need a reminder – I know I’ve always liked clean litterbox day. I mean, who wouldn’t?
