
The last refuge of the truly bored

So, it seems Fudruckers has on their website a direct link to this guy’s flash game – and not just a link, mind you – a direct link. They aren’t hosting the game that they have on their high-traffic website; they’ve “hotlinked” to his game on his site, using his bandwidth.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Everyone knows that hotlinking like that is bad, bad, bad. First off, it steals bandwidth from the person, and second off, you can use .htaccess files and referrer information to put up obscene stuff in place of a file when it’s hosted somewhere else. Many sites do this as a matter of course, just to discourage hot linking.

Apparently, the webmaster of Fudruckers doesn’t know that.

So, be sure to click on the links above and see for yourself what’s happening, and spread the word through whatever means possible – post it in a forum, post it on your blog, whatever.

We’ll see how long that link stays on their website. 😉

UPDATE: It looks like they’ve taken the link down and apologized to the guy who made that game. That was quick!

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.