Will Leviathan Prevail?

ProfessorBainbridge.com: Will Leviathan Prevail?

Garbus apparently thinks your stuff is yours only so long as the government doesn’t want it and, moreover, that the reasons the government wants it are irrelevant.

Uh oh… more government abuse of power.

The Supreme Court has held that private property can be seized via eminent domain as part of an urban renewal project when the property is blighted, a loophole that local authorities have greatly abused to seize private property. Yet, in this case, the government doesn’t even bother trying to hide behind that fig leaf. They assert baldly the power to seize private homes because they think some other user can put them to a higher tax generating use. Except, in this case, they don’t even know what the land will be used to do!

Categorized as politics

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.