Teen Sex and Media Hype

FOXNews.com – Views – Straight Talk – Teen Sex and Media Hype

An interesting take on the subject. It compares “teenagers” with “welfare recipients,” and suggests that they (teenagers) develop the same sort of attitudes because of that situation (laziness, “the world owes me a living” attitudes, etc).

It also goes on to point out that High School is basically just a 4 year pre-adult “holding tank.” For many, you don’t really learn much in those last 4 years of high school – it’s just a convenient place to keep you sequestered until you reach the “official” adult age of 18 (when, as we all know, people used to be “adults” at much younger ages than that).

A very interesting read – for people in my age group (mid 20’s) and for people who have (or will be having shortly) teenagers of their own.

Categorized as politics

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.