The Water Flows

The sky is gray
But the water is clear
The sound of water flowing
Of things growing
Where once was desolation

No voices here, no cries, no shouts
Only Water, Nature, Sky and Wind

Singing songs long forgotten by mortal men.

The Wind Howls
The Trees Sway
Destruction rains upon this land

Then all is still
Then all is calm

The leaves stir
And a mind wakes from years of slumber.

The rock is cold
And I am old
No longer on rivers do I travel bold

To seek out new life,
But that’s no fun.
For when all’s found then what’s to be done
With those who made it their life?
…And the Water Flows,
And I think of you.

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By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.