Tech Humor

“I have to say that we in my lab are thrilled with the progress in the Linux kernel. We have been running Linux in our labs for ages, and it now controls the massive coils that circle all the corridors in our buildings, ominously humming in the night. Before, we had Windows XP controlling the (sic) titantic voltages that flow through the rings, and we found that very often the control threads would become scheduled into irrelevance and the voltages would become unstable. This would lead to devastating magnetic fields that would reverse the path of time across the carpet in my room, staining it really badly.”

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Recover day

I’ve been in situations like that before (or their Windows-based counterparts), and believe me – it’s NO fun at ALL.

LILEKS (James) :: The Bleat

This person has a very good, and very funny, personal review of Star Wars: Episode III. I especially like the phrase “Planet of Theatrically Erupting Lava.”

UI Hall of Shame

If some Software Developers built houses? Heh heh heh… as a developer myself, I find this very amusing.