Papers, please

Go ahead, read this article from Slashdot, then read all the comments. Just think about it for a bit, and then, if you’re not steaming mad… let me know so I can start calling you “COMRADE.”

SJC Decision on Same-Sex Marriage

A very interesting read. The “official” decision comes first, and is followed by an individual brief from one of the justices that takes a somewhat opposing view. Both are well thought out and very valid – only a few very, very fine points separate the two opinions.


Well, I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 today. It was, at times, very “documentary” like… but at other times, very “propaganda” like.


There’s such a lack of discourse in today’s politics. It’s all just people screaming at one another, repeating the same “party line” over and over again, without any real meaning.