Tag: gus

  • I’ve Got My Eye On You

    So you might have heard that mum and dad brought me to the vet recently. They were concerned about some stupid thing, like me not being able to see out of one eye, or having some cloudiness in my eye, or something like that. Totally unnecessary, I tell you. Well, the vet said my right eye…

  • Our Wild Cousins

    Dad was out for a walk yesterday when he stumbled across one of our rabbit training grounds, where we’re training our rabbit invasion army. The names of these wild bunnies have, of course, been changed to protect their identity. This is our crack special operative team, Mr. Rabbit and “Little Dude,” the groundhog demolition expert.…

  • It’s not “begging,” it’s DEMANDING

    Dad (and mum) say we beg for treats too much. But they’re wrong – we don’t beg for treats… we DEMAND treats! And sometimes, just to liven things up, we make our demands from the other side of the kitchen (to keep mum and dad on their toes). C’mon dad, put the camera down and…

  • What Heat Wave?

    Heat wave? What heat wave? It’s always a pleasant 72 degrees where I am. Perfect for napping. -Gus

  • The Good Life

    There really is nothing quite like a nap in a freshly-cleaned litter box. Now if I could just convince dad of that fact so he’ll leave me alone… -Gus

  • My Favorite Pillow

    Don’t tell her, but Betsy is my favorite pillow. Shhhh. -Gus

  • Dad & Mum are Back?

    Apparently dad and mum went away to Australia for the past month. I guess we didn’t notice, since the meals kept arriving on time and treats continued to be dispensed. Oh well. When dad got back though, he showed us some pictures he took. Apparently he thinks it’s funny to tease us. Well, it’s NOT.…

  • Dinner Nom-Nom-Nom Time

    Because who wouldn’t want to sit and watch Betsy (and Gus) eat for 8 minutes and 54 seconds?

  • I’m Not Grumpy

    Gus isn’t grump – he just doesn’t like being disturbed during his nap time (i.e., all of the time).

  • Nobody gets to see the Great and Powerful Gus

    Nobody gets to see the Great and Powerful Gus, not no-body not no-how!