• Get Back To Work

    As you all know, I like to sneak up behind dad’s office chair and stare at him while he’s working. It helps me supervise him, and keeps him in line.

    gus sitting behind me while I work

    Unfortunately, dad somehow still manages to sense that I’m there (sometimes), and when he does he stops working and turns around to talk to me – or, in this case, take my picture.

    All I have to say to you dad is “put the camera down and get back to work!”

    Honestly, I think you’d never get any work done if I wasn’t here to keep an eye on you.


  • Trying to Sleep

    As you probably know, Gus and I like to camp out in dad’s office and sleep. This is not because we like him or anything; it’s just a… convenient place to sleep, that’s all. Really!

    Of course, there are all sorts of sounds in dad’s office – the music he listens to all day, the people he talks to, the sound of him moving around in his chair, and of him getting up from time to time.

    Fortunately, I am very good at ignoring dad so I can get some sleep.

    betsy sleeping with ears up This is a new sleeping position I’ve developed recently – it helps me ignore dad in all the ways that matter, including ignoring the annoying “beep” from his camera.

    I will let you know how it works out long term, but so far, so good.


  • Monday Bunday – Clean Litterbox Edition

    I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before – but I just love a clean litterbox.

    gus napping in his litterboxOf course I often have to keep one ear over the edge, to keep track of where dad is.

    gus stretched out in his litterbox Ahhh yeah, stretching out in a clean litterbox is the best, right?


  • Because It Was There

    The other day I decided it was high time for me to try and climb up dad’s big round chair again.

    gus is in my chair again

    So, I did, as you can see here. It had a bunch of stuff in it though, so it was more fun this time to climb around.

    I was even able to make it all the way to the top!

    gus tries to climb out of my chair (the wrong way)

    Now, getting down from the top was a bit tricky. I decided to jump on the cardboard box in the bottom-left of the picture. But my aim was a little off, and the box was a little… um… unstable from being chewed… and I kind of slipped off the top and landed on the ground. (I was fine of course, I’m a super-tough bun.)

    Dad saw me and (after making sure I was OK) asked me “why did you climb my chair, Gus?”

    I told him the answer is simple:

    Because it was there.


  • Our Wild Cousins

    I like where we live these days – there are lots and lots of our wild cousins living here as well.

    wild rabbit in the yard

    Dad often sees our wild cousins outside at dawn/dusk, but the light is usually too bad for him to take a picture (or our wild cousins will run off before he can get his camera – very smart of them!) But this time we had a relative who was out early enough for dad to take some pictures.

    wild rabbit slinks away

    This one was apparently just grazing on some grass. One of his friends was there earlier, but he chased him away. We’ve actually seen up to 5 wild rabbits (hares) out in the yard at one time, chasing one another. Dad, being a  human, is never sure if they are just playing or if they are chasing one another to establish territory and rank. I can tell the difference, of course, but I’m keeping it a secret from dad. He needs to figure more stuff out on his own.

    wild rabbit dashes

    This is probably one of my favorite pictures. Just look at that little guy’s legs! That’s pretty impressive.

    Our wild cousins are always hanging around the house. I will sometimes tease dad and say they are part of a secret bunny army that’s gathering. He always gets kind of nervous when I say that. I think he really believes me! Scaring dad is fun.

    It is always nice to see fellow lagomorphs around. Do any of you have stories of being visited by our wild cousins to share?


  • Completely Normal Sleeping Position

    I was taking a nap the other day with Betsy, in dad’s office behind his chair, when dad came in and saw me. He later told me that I have the weirdest sleeping positions:

    gus sleeping in a very unusual position

    I completely disagree – I think my sleeping positions are completely normal, and also quite comfortable.

    What do you think?


  • The Last Laugh

    Mum and dad decided that since today was such a nice day, they’d dare to pick us up and take us outside and give us a brush-down. They even thought they’d be “nice” and take us out on the grass (in the shade, under a tree, right next to the house where it’s safe).

    Gus went first, and like always he played the part of the “good bun.”

    gus and keith - a perfect picture of a bunny and his daddy

    Ugh. Just look at him, acting like it’s not so bad. But I know better… I saw his legs shaking when he came back in. He tries to play it like he’s a rough, tough bunny that’s not scared of anything, but I know he was scared and didn’t like it either!

    Next was my turn, and I didn’t want to go. I thumped and ran around when dad came to pick me up, but he and mom were playing together and managed to corner me quickly.

    Then they took me outside, and not only did the brush me, but they trimmed my matted fur on my underside. How dare they! All around it was a horribly degrading experience.

    But… I got the last laugh this time. In contrast to Gus playing the “good bun,” I always play the part of the “bad bun.” So, dad was trying to calm me down so he could keep brushing me, and I was sitting in his lap. I did not want to be out here anymore.

    So I peed on him.

    Dad quickly moved away from me and said (in a sort of surprised and confused voice) something about a warm feeling against his leg, and he very soon realized what I had done. I was then quickly brought back inside and left alone for the rest of the day. Mission accomplished.

    Take that, dad!! That’ll teach you!!


  • Synchronized Floppage

    Betsy and I are very different bunnies – but sometimes we think alike. And sometimes, we act alike – very alike!

    synchronized floppage (from behind)

    We were both just flopped out under dad’s chair, and just happened to be flopped in exactly the same way, side-by-side.

    Dad apparently thinks this is really neat, because he was making a bunch of silly noises, like “awww” and “ohhh” and of course he had to take a picture (not a very good one if you ask me).

    I just don’t get it.


  • More Sleepy Time Behind Dad’s Chair

    As I’ve said before, we bunnies have to sleep a lot – to conserve our energy, of course. It’s a tough job being a bunny, let me tell you – we do need to rest often.

    But sometimes when we’re napping, we forget that there are other people around – and that these people have cameras:

    betsy's bum

    I do not approve of this.


  • Sleepy Time Behind Dad’s Chair

    Daytime is sleepy time for us bunnies. Gus and I like to spend our day hiding behind dad’s big round chair.

    Sometimes though I’ll be nice and sleep such that dad can see me.

    betsy asleep behind the chair

    As we like to remind dad, we have a very tough life, so we need to rest often.

    Speaking of which, I think I need to go take another nap – goodnight!
