Our Wild Cousins

I like where we live these days – there are lots and lots of our wild cousins living here as well.

wild rabbit in the yard

Dad often sees our wild cousins outside at dawn/dusk, but the light is usually too bad for him to take a picture (or our wild cousins will run off before he can get his camera – very smart of them!) But this time we had a relative who was out early enough for dad to take some pictures.

wild rabbit slinks away

This one was apparently just grazing on some grass. One of his friends was there earlier, but he chased him away. We’ve actually seen up to 5 wild rabbits (hares) out in the yard at one time, chasing one another. Dad, being a  human, is never sure if they are just playing or if they are chasing one another to establish territory and rank. I can tell the difference, of course, but I’m keeping it a secret from dad. He needs to figure more stuff out on his own.

wild rabbit dashes

This is probably one of my favorite pictures. Just look at that little guy’s legs! That’s pretty impressive.

Our wild cousins are always hanging around the house. I will sometimes tease dad and say they are part of a secret bunny army that’s gathering. He always gets kind of nervous when I say that. I think he really believes me! Scaring dad is fun.

It is always nice to see fellow lagomorphs around. Do any of you have stories of being visited by our wild cousins to share?








9 responses to “Our Wild Cousins”

  1. Freckles and Deb Avatar

    Secret bunny army! Shhhh…that’s supposed to be a secret! We have one little bunny that hangs around sometimes. Usually not more than one (or it could be more than one and they are just taking turns!)

  2. Glenna Avatar

    We have a local plattoon of the bunny army. While we’re grilling on our deck, we enjoy seeing them eat and play and race around. And some of it IS playing, because there’s even an occasional binky!

  3. Lisa Avatar

    Wow what a great action shot!

    No wild bunnies in the city, but that’s a good thing! At Mima and Pops’ house in the suburbs, we’ve been noticing more and more wild rabbits the past year or two. Never seen more than one at a time though. Poor bunnies. Maddie the Big Scary Dog loves chasing them!

  4. Hef's Mom Avatar

    We get wild rabbits/hares on occasion. The most we have had is two at once. We just put in a raspberry bush and our neighbor said it was going to attract a lot of rabbits. Bring it on!

  5. The Bunns Avatar

    Yes we do, and they are eating OUR fennel that RG planted for US. Pfffttttt …..

  6. Friend of the Animals Avatar

    Now that we sent backyard cats (not ours) to the shelter the wild bunnies are back! And the birds too.

  7. jerry kolbe Avatar

    my yard is full of clover so i see wild bunnies a lot. sometimes 3 or 4 at once.
    one is a big old bunny.

  8. Jessica Avatar

    When we had a yard I liked laying under the jalapeno plant and scaring momma b/c I’d be laying so still she wouldn’t notice me until TOO Late!! Muwahahaha! But the wild bunnies were more interested in my big brother, a white New Zealand like you, Gus, than in brown bunny me :(. But I think it’s b/c they were like “how come you look so strange?”

  9. Karen M Avatar

    When we first moved to this house, we had a rabbit nest in our pea plants. We got to watch her nurse the baies. That was fun.

    Then a couple years ago, I planted a flat of petunias, only to turn around and see a bunny pulling them all out, one at a time. It consumed most of the petunias, roots and all!