Category: Bunny Life

  • Bun in the Sun

    The sun was streaming into the living room this morning, and I was spending a litte time outside my area, just relaxing. Then, I sensed something… I feel like someone’s… watching me… Oh, it’s just you, dad. Hmmm, wait, you’re way over there and lying on the floor… you might have treats!! (Hey, you never…

  • The Difference Between Betsy and Me

    I like to keep an eye on what dad is doing. While Betsy just doesn’t care, as long as you don’t bother her while she’s sleeping. -Gus

  • 38 Cute Animals

    Dad finds the weirdest things. But this has bunnies in it, so I approve of it. Though you would never catch me working in an office like that!! -Gus

  • Time to start thinking about Easter

    Dad came back from the store last night and told me how he saw they had taken down all their valentine’s day stuff and were starting to put up their Easter stuff. Easter always makes me think even more about all the other bunnies out there who aren’t as lucky as I am (oh and…

  • Helping Betsy

    Although Betsy is the de-facto “destructo-bun” around here, sometimes even I like to get in on the destruction action. Yesterday I was helping Betsy do some work on the bigger of the two boxes dad added to our area. But then dad had to come along and spoil it by peeking in on me. It’s…

  • My Work is Never Done

    I wasn’t satisfied with the little hole in the corner, so I made some enlargements… and I may have gotten a little carried away… -Betsy

  • Too Much Thumping

    The other day dad was getting mad at me for thumping. I was sitting in his office and I was thumping away, even though he kept telling me to stop and he said “why are you thumping Betsy, there’s nothing wrong.” But I kept thumping. Thump thump thump. My thumps in dad’s office sound really…

  • My Remodelling

    I’ve been hard at work doing some renovations to the bunny condo dad made for us. It needed some upgrades, Betsy style. For starters, dad forgot to add a back door! Fortunately I was able to take care of this obvious shortcoming in short order. I didn’t really like that ramp to the 2nd floor,…

  • Escape

    The other day, I found that I could push on the edge of our enclosure and get the fence to swing out enough to squeeze through – freedom! So the other night (well, early morning – dad and mum were sleeping in), I did it and Gus and I escaped! Dad leaves the bedroom door…

  • Remodelling??

    Dad was making some noise today (after we were brushed) and so Gus and I came out to investigate – and this is what we saw: Where did all our stuff go?? Dad cleaned our litter box (always nice) but everything else in our area was gone! Gus and I looked around everywhere for it…