• Book Meme

    Dad says we have to do another meme that Lola tagged us with – something to do with “books.”

    Dad said, “this is going to be tricky.” I asked him why, and he just pointed to his bookshelf, which I had never really looked closely at.

    programming books


    cookbooks and other reference books

    Yeah, now I see what you mean, dad.



    I asked him if it could be the closest book to “us,” which would make it the phone book Betsy was chewing on this morning. He said that probably wasn’t in the spirit of the meme. I suppose he was right.

    He said, “technically, the closest book to me is this concept car book – but it’s all pictures!” (Dad likes cars.) “And no one would want me to quote 3 sentences out of IBM PC Assembly Language, COBOL – A Structured Approach, or Programming Microsoft Visual C++ (Fifth Edition). All these cookbooks are no good. And the next nearest book to you two… doesn’t have 123 pages in it!”

    So I pointed to a book that had a picture of a rabbit on the front (I figure, why not?). After looking at it for a moment, dad nodded and said “I think that might just work, Gus.”

    So here’s my 3 sentences from the 123 page (5th sentence in) of Rabbits for Dummies:

    Rabbits can be spayed or neutered as soon as they reach reproductive maturity: about 4 months of age or later. Females should be spayed before two years of age to lessen the chance of developing uterine cancer. (See Chapter 13 for more on that topic.)

    Errr… not very interesting, is it? Maybe we should have gone with one of dad’s books, instead. Oh dad, you and your crazy reading habits!


  • Monday Bunday

    Am I doing it right?

    betsy's destruction

    Hmm… maybe not.


  • Dad’s Home, Ugh

    Dad’s home… and just when I was getting comfy with having some quiet time to myself! Now I’ve got to watch out for dad coming to grab me and brush me (mum is too scared to pick me up, which suits me fine).

    On top of that, dad is much more strict… no more digging or chewing in things for me I’m afraid. Thanks a lot, dad.


  • Dad’s Home!

    Dad is finally home! Of course at first I didn’t come up and say hi. First I had to go and sniff all his stuff… where has he been? Has he been eating carrots without me? I have to know!

    It turned out that he’d been up north somewhere, and everything of his smelled weird – dad said it was “chlorine” from the pool. Whatever you say dad.

    I’m just glad he’s back; I prefer the way he makes breakfast.


  • Driving Mum Crazy

    Gus and I are so tired! We have been really busy trying to keep Mum as preoccupied as possible — to take her mind off Dad being away.

    Here are some of the things we thought might help keep her mind of Dad:
    1. I made sure to dig in the litterbox and flick litter as far as I could, that way, she had to clean it up and that kept her busy.
    2. Gus flipped the bunny fort into the middle of the living room and grunted at her when she went to pick it up.
    3. I snuck into the bedroom (I know – she left the door open, how exciting!!!) and I was able to pull apart the barrier preventing us from getting under the bed, and I overturned the bedside table – this sent the cordless phone and base crashing to the floor. NICE!
    4. We both spent last night chewing up the rug. We left bits throughout the house for her to pick up.
    5. Gus made sure only to eat the tops of the parsley, that way Mum would have to pick them up by hand before she could vacuum up the litter I flicked every where.

    Mum pretended to get mad – but really, we know she was just sad because she missed Dad. We tried to help keep her busy – it sure was fun!


  • Aaaww Dad

    So just after Mummy returns and Betsy and I think life is back to normal, Dad goes and leaves us! I went and sat beside Dad’s side of the bed looking for him this morning, but Mum said he is going to be away for a few days visiting friends.

    I don’t know what to do – I mean, Mum is good and all, but I miss Dad’s ear rubs.

    I flipped my bunny-fort to show my displeasure.

    Maybe Betsy and I should take a holiday for a few days so they miss us too …


  • Mummy is Home!

    Actually mum, you’ve been home for long enough now that I’m going back to my normal mode of silent indifference to your existence.

    But please don’t forget to give me some extra treats or else I’ll chew your shoes!


  • Mummy!

    Dad says mummy is coming home tomorrow – I am very excited!

    She always gives us the best treats!


  • Treats!!

    Our papaya tablets finally arrived!! Yay!

    Dad came in and gave us both a tablet when they arrived. Treat time tomorrow will be a happy time!


  • Betsy is Weird

    Even I’m not sure why Betsy was digging on the lamp post.

    Though it did wake dad up… maybe that’s what she had in mind.
