Today was a Good Day

I accomplished a lot today.

gus climbs the tower

gus on top of the bunny tower

I climbed a tall, tall tower. And…

gus getting groomed


I got groomed!

Although I do have to press my head in pretty far before Betsy starts grooming me instead of just herself.


Gus’s Newer Portrait






3 responses to “Today was a Good Day”

  1. Fiona Bun Avatar

    I understand your grooming issues. I’m happy to groom Orlando, it just takes some persuasion for him to groom me.

  2. The Bunns Avatar

    Take a break Gus … you did get a lot done, plus you seem to have stayed out of trouble!

  3. Nipper Avatar

    Gah! CUTE grooming shot! Way to go, busy bun!