• New Rug

    This weekend, dad brought home a new rug for our corner of the house.

    the new rabbit rug

    It’s pretty nice. I’m cool with it, anyway. Though I don’t know how Betsy will take it – she never likes change.

    gus and the new rug

    Still… I wonder how it tastes?


    Gus’s New Portrait

  • My Favorite Spot

    My favorite spot is on top of this white box in dad’s office. I love to flop out there and take a nap in the middle of the day.

    betsy sleeping

    Sometimes though, you have to flop over to get a good angle for grooming your paws and your ears.

    betsy flopped doing some grooming

    Long ears like these require lots of grooming to keep them looking beautiful!

    Gus is usually near by on “his” chair. But in this case I think he was jealous that I was getting all the attention!


    Betsy’s New Portrait

  • Mr. Pinkerton for President!

    I read about Mr. Pinkerton this morning thanks to Lola. What a great idea! A rabbit running (or is is “hopping?”) for president – and a white & pink-eyed bunny, just like me!

    I fully endorse this candidate!


    Gus’s New Portrait

  • My Litter-Mates?

    I’m not sure, but these rabbits came from the same city (Fitchburg, MA) where I used to live and where my mom found me. Maybe they are my litter-mates and close relatives?

    Either way, I am glad they are safe now. They sure do look like me, though!!


    Gus’s New Portrait

  • Dad Made Carrot Cake

    carrot cake

    Again with the carrot cake, dad. I don’t know why you bother, just the carrots themselves are fine by me. In fact, I think they’re the best!

    And what’s this about “Rabbit pr0n?”

    bunny pr0n

    Oh my…!


    Gus’s New Portrait

  • I Demand Treats

    “You shall not pass!…”

    gus demands a toll for passage

    “…Until you give me a papaya tablet.”


    Gus’s New Portrait

  • February is “Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month”

    I heard today that February is Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month.

    Being that I am a rescued rabbit (and so is Betsy, sort of),  I can’t help but try to spread the word about things like this.

    When dad set up this site for me and Betsy, I had hoped that at least one person who visited would learn that we rabbits are not so difficult to take care of, and that we are just as entertaining and full of energy and personalities as those other “cherished” household pets – I’m talking about cats and dogs, of course.

    My hope was that maybe, just maybe, someone would save a bunny because of what they learned here.

    I guess I always get sentimental when talking about rescuing my fellow lagomorphs.


    Gus’s New Portrait

  • Game?

    Dad told me about this “tagged” thing that Rabbits Guy did to us, he called it a “meme?” I’ll have to get Gus to help me look that word up.

    Anyway, dad said we had to list 3 things that we’ve never done before and that we’d like to do if we wouldn’t get in trouble for it. Well, that’s easy!

    1. Dig a big hole in the floor… err… ground
    2. Make a nest out of pillows
    3. Figure out how to open the treats containers

    Now dad tells me I need to pick 3 other bunnies to pass this on to. Hmmm, this sounds like a game Gus and I have played together!

    I think I would pick Fury & Frost, Albright at the Heartland Bunny Blog (cuz he looks like Gus), and Malou and Talisman at The Bunny Lovers Shop.

    Bye now!


    Betsy’s New Portrait

  • Fridge Thing

    Everyone seems to be taking pictures of their fridges lately. Dad thought this would be a fun thing to do, so he took a picture, too.

    Our Fridge

    Honestly, I think it would be better to be IN the fridge, rather than looking at a picture of it. Though looking at this picture, I can tell that mom and dad need to go shopping for us soon!


    Gus’s New Portrait

  • Almost Made It

    Dad left the door to the bedroom open this morning and Gus and I went straight in to try and get under the bed, but dad had done something to the bunny-barrier and I couldn’t pull it out of the way (like I did last time). Drat!!

    I’ll get under there next time… next time, dad!!


    Betsy’s New Portrait