• Just In Case I Get Hungry

    Dad didn’t understand why I would be lying in the middle of the living room with a piece of parsley next to me.

    betsy and her lone stalk of parsley

    He’s so dumb sometimes. Obviously, it was there in case I got hungry. Duh.


    Betsy's New Portrait

  • ‘Tocktober?

    I heard it’s ‘Tocktober.

    gus 'tocks


    Gus's Newer Portrait

  • Can You Spot the Bunny?

    There’s a rabbit in this picture. Can you spot it?

    where is the bunny?

    Can’t find the bunny? It’s OK, it’s pretty hard to find. You might need to look harder.

    Here’s a hint:

    where is the bunny in this picture?

    Did you find the bunny? Can you guess who it is?

    It’s me!!

    I can blend in anywhere – I am a master of disguise!


    Gus's Newer Portrait

  • My Fan

    Dad keeps referring to  it as “his” fan, but really it’s mine.

    betsy and her fan

    I like to lay in front of it sometimes, but not to keep cool – I use it as a styling fan. It helps me style the fur on the top of my head.

    It’s also fun to lay there for a while and block dad’s escape from his office. He’s such a wimp.


    Betsy's New Portrait

  • To Timidly Go Where No Bun Has Gone Before

    Yesterday dad left the door to the garage open, I guess because he thought we’d like to have someplace new to explore. (Does he think we’re bored?)

    Anyway, I had to check it out.

    gus thinks about going into the garage

    But it’s important to be cautious when going into a new area, because you never know when it might be a trap!

    gus slinks into the garage

    It’s also a good idea not to venture too far at first, in case you need to escape quickly.

    gus is in the garage, but just barely

    Beyond the relative safety of this welcome mat lies a sea of slippery concrete. It took me a while to make it all the way to the other side, but when I got there, I found some hay!

    gus has found treasure in the garage

    Dad keeps our hay in the garage, and I guess he’s just as messy with hay as we are, so there were plenty of scraps to nibble on.

    gus eating hay in the garage

    Powered up from eating that hay, I went around and made sure everything was marked as “mine.” This is a very important job, as I’m sure you can imagine.

    gus marking the bikes as his

    Eventually though I got bored of the garage and came out. Then, a little while later, dad closed the door.

    What dad doesn’t want you to know (because he’s ashamed of it) is that I snuck back into the garage when he wasn’t looking, and was in there when he closed the door!

    I ended up spending the entire day stuck in the garage!!

    It wasn’t all bad – the floor was nice and cool – but it was dark and strange, so it wasn’t familiar to me. And when would I be able to get out?

    Then something really scary happened – the end of the garage opened up wide and this loud thing came in! It came right at me, so I huddled up under the bikes.

    Then the loud thing went quiet, and mom popped out of it. OH YEAH IT’S THE CAR. The thing I hate taking rides in.

    After that, dad came rushing out, apologized profusely to me, picked me up and carried me back inside and gave me treats.

    I should mention that this is NOT the first time something like this has happened. I’ve snuck into the bedroom before as well without mum or dad noticing, and they’ve closed the door and locked me in there by accident. Likewise, once I snuck into mom’s closet and nobody noticed – and when they did notice I was missing, they searched and searched and couldn’t find me for quite a while!

    Still, in the end it all worked out OK, but I think we’ve all learned something from this. Well, dad’s probably learned something – which is to always double-check for bunnies in strange places! And I’ve learned… um… that the garage is a scary place, but if you spend all day in there, you get treats?

    Anyway, I don’t think I’ll be going back in there anytime soon!


    Gus's Newer Portrait

  • We’re Still Here

    I know it’s been a while since we’ve posted anything, but we’re still here.

    We’re just… busy.

    betsy, just sitting

    Ummm… busy doing top-secret bunny-related things, of course. Bunny-related things that look like lounging around being lazy to you silly humans. It’s all part of our secret plans, don’t you worry.

    Now if you don’t mind, I need to get back to my nap… ummm, I mean, back to plotting your demise.


    Betsy's New Portrait

  • THE VET!!!

    Dad took us to the vet this weekend! NOOOO!!!

    We knew something fishy was up when this showed up:

    the evil pet carrier

    Whenever the pet carrier shows up, we know we’re going for a car ride – and we HATE car rides!

    betsy knows something is up

    Betsy heard the word “vet” mentioned.

    gus - what did you say?

    Hmmm? What’s that dad? Did you say… vet?

    No, you wouldn’t dare.

    buns checking out the carrier

    C’mon, Betsy, let’s check this thing out.

    gus in the carrier - marking it as his

    Hmmm… while I’m in here, I might as well mark this as being “mine.”

    gus - this is mine too

    This is “mine” too.

    Unfortunately, despite marking the carrier as “mine,” dad still scooped us up and put us inside and took us on a long car ride to… the v..v…VET!!!

    It was not fun. I grunted at the vet when she tried to take me out of the carrier! Dad didn’t think this was very nice so he came and grabbed me… I can’t really grunt like that at dad.

    The vet did all sorts of horrible things to us… like brushing our fur around our backsides and sticking some thing in our ears and in our mouth and shining a bright light in our eyes… it was bunny torture, I tell you!

    But eventually it was all over and we came home and mum gave us some treats. The vet says we are very healthy – well, duh, I could have told you that!

    Anyway, thank goodness we won’t have to go back there again for quite a while!!



    Gus's Newer Portrait

  • Lion Bunny

    Dad says I look like a little lion (or like the Sphinx) when I sit like this:


    I guess I do look rather “regal” when I sit like that, don’t I?

    Still, I suppose it’s a better image than “little brown bear,” which is mum and dad’s other cutesy nickname for me.


    Betsy's New Portrait

  • Trapped!

    Today Gus and I trapped dad in his office:

    bunnies in doorway

    There’s no getting past us, dad! You’re going to stay in here, and you’re going to like it! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!

    Bonus: dad’s little floor fan was just outside the door (you can’t see it in the picture), so not only did I get the pleasure of locking dad up in his own office, but the fan was blowing on my head, which is always nice. (It’s not hot here or anything, I just like the breeze sometimes.)


    Betsy's New Portrait

  • Dad’s Back

    So, dad went away for a week and left us here with mum. I was kinda bummed out… what’s the point of getting up to no good if nobody is around to see you do it? Although, mum does tend to give us more treats than dad… so it wasn’t all bad.

    So now he’s back… but I have to play it cool. Can’t let him know I actually missed him!

    Of course now that dad’s back, I’m sure he’ll help me take some more photos for our blog here. Sad to say, but I just can’t wrap my paws around a camera. When will someone make a rabbit-sized camera, huh???


    Gus's Newer Portrait