Author: Betsy

  • Breakfast with Betsy

    Gus and I are both of course big fans of anything starring bunnies. Which means we are really big fans of the show Rabbit Bites and Coffee with Chou. Especially since Chou-Chou looks like a black & white version of me! Still, I think I could have my own hit Internet show. I’d call it…

  • Betsy In Motion

    Dad took this video of me. I’m just glad he caught my best side! -Betsy

  • Shredding Fun

    Dad left a bunch of brown paper on the floor yesterday. I think it came from some box that the mail man brought him. I dunno. But it was SO MUCH FUN to shred that paper. It was just so much fun to grab it and rip big pieces right off – such a satisfying…

  • Side-By-Side Snuggling

    Dad took this picture last night. Gus was scared because dad was eating something that had bacon in it – and he hates the smell of bacon. It didn’t bother me, so I let him stay close. Still, it was kind of cramped in there… but oh well. -Betsy

  • Gus Eating

    Notice how he picks the best parts and then leaves the stems for me. Thanks, Gus. -Betsy

  • The Scary, Loud, Vacuum-thing

    Dad came into his office (also known as “our play area”) today with that loud, scary vacuum thing. I don’t like it because it’s very loud (Gus says it makes him feel all tense and scared, what a wuss), and when dad came very close to me, I showed him how much I didn’t like…

  • Back Home after Christmas

    I am glad to be home again. I really did not like the car ride – it scares me so much. And I hate that carrier – I know how dad puts me in there when he says I’ve been bad. Mostly after I dig in the carpet. I really hate it. But it was…

  • Gus Got In Trouble

    Gus doesn’t want to talk about it, but I will. This morning he was chewing on the back of the chair in dad’s office – a big no-no! And dad heard him and came over and saw him. Gus did what I would have done – froze and hoped that daddy would go away –…

  • Moving Furniture

    My dad went and moved the chair in his office yesterday… while I was still under it! I don’t mind having stuff moved (it’s nice because you have to explore it all again when it changes) but… not while I’m under it! I gave him a foot-flick on my way out of the office, for…

  • I’m acrobatic, too!

    Gus isn’t the only one who climbs on top of things and jumps down from them. I can do that, too! See? -Betsy