Something New

Dad put something new in his office, so of course we had to investigate.

gus examines something new

It’s always a good idea to be cautious when approaching something new.

gus is not sure about this new thing

I know dad is watching me, so I keep an eye on him to see if this is some sort of trick.

gus and betsy jointly examine the new thing

Betsy helped me check this thing out.

betsy checks out the new thing

I was satisfied that this new thing was not a trick, but at the same time, wasn’t anything I could eat, so I left. Betsy, on the other hand, wanted to give it a more thorough sniffing.

betsy is not sure about this

Even Betsy wasn’t quite sure about this new thing.

betsy looks at me with disapprovalBetsy was sure to let dad know that she disapproves. I’m sure she’ll also show her disapproval later, when dad’s not watching, by chewing the new thing.

In the end, it was a very disappointing surprise.







5 responses to “Something New”

  1. Dmoll Avatar

    LOL no one and no bun is really quite sure what that thing is. What the heck is it?

  2. Lisa Avatar

    Draft guard?

    Tear it wide open, Bets. Teach dad a lesson for putting new things in your space.

    BTW, LOVE LOVE LOVE your PSAs on twitter 🙂

  3. the bunns Avatar

    Useless litter ….doopid

  4. Nicole Avatar

    Hmm, I’m as stumped as you and Betsy. Definitely worth a chew and scratch or two – how else to make any sense of it? And you better chin it before Dad does!

  5. Keithius Avatar

    Yep, that is a draft guard thingy. It’s filled with rice and it stops the draft from coming in from the garage.

    So far, so good – no nibble marks. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!