This Tunnel Thing is Pretty Good

This tunnel thing that mum bought for us is actually pretty good. I wasn’t sure of it at first, but Betsy really liked it, and eventually I tried it out and realized it’s pretty nice too.

For one thing, it’s perfect for hiding… or napping!

gus in the tunnel

When you’re in the tunnel, dad and mum sometimes can’t even see you unless they get way down on the ground and look through the tunnel. This goes doubly for when it’s bent a little, because they can’t see around the bend.

Even better is the fact that the tunnel is long enough that dad can’t reach you if you’re in the middle. As I said, a perfect hiding place! (Except when Betsy gets excited for breakfast/dinner and comes racing through the tunnel and body-slams me!)

A rare example of a cardboard bunny-structure done right. Thanks, mum!







2 responses to “This Tunnel Thing is Pretty Good”

  1. Abigail Avatar

    It kinda looks like a shrine. The Church of Gus. I’m glad your humans are finally getting it.

  2. the bunns Avatar

    Probably some bunns designed and built it …