Totally Innocent

For some reason, dad always assumes we’re up to “no good.”

up to no good

He also likes to capture photographic “proof” of us being up to “no good.” He’s just weird like that. We were totally innocent; just sniffing around – honest!

someone is watching us

Betsy noticed someone watching us.

oh no, it's dad

“Oh no, it’s dad!” she said. Yeah, yeah, whatever, Betsy. Help me here…

betsy, where'd you go

Ummm… Betsy? Where’d you go?

um, I was just playing, honest

Oh… hi dad. I was just… sniffing… this… tube! Yeah, that’s it. Playing with the tube. That’s what I was doing. Yep. Honest.

For some reason, I don’t think dad believed me. Ever since, he keeps coming out from his office to check on us whenever he hears a noise.

Sometimes he’s just no fun at all.







11 responses to “Totally Innocent”

  1. bunnygirl Avatar

    You’re keeping tabs on everything, making sure there have been no security breaches, and all is well, etc. What’s wrong with that?

  2. Sam's Mistress Avatar

    I dunno Gus, With those big, juicy wires right there, I wouldn’t trust you either! Speaking of…. where’d my own bun get off to?


  3. Bella Avatar

    Mom always knows when I’m being sneaky!

  4. Lando Bun Avatar

    Look at that tasty wire right there… I’m drooling. Wait. Do buns drool?

  5. D.C. Moll Avatar

    Rabbits are always up to something, good ? bad ? let’s not be hasty…..

  6. furrybutts Avatar

    We believe in your innocence. And there is photographic proof, too! Just look at that wire, it’s still intact!! You bunnies have proven that you can be trusted 😀

  7. The Bunns Avatar

    Bunns, Bunns … see that pot thingy? RG has one JUST like it and he COOKS stuff in there. Be VERY VERY careful here.

  8. Erin Avatar

    I don’t know, they look totally innocent to me!

  9. Keith Avatar

    They always look innocent…

  10. Lola Avatar

    The humans always get in the way of our fun! Like today, I was attacking the carpet and got shooed away! The Nerve!

  11. Freckles and Deb Avatar

    We can’t imagine why your dad wouldn’t totally trust you and Betsy!