• Pet Store Bunnies

    My mom told me that she saw a bunny in a pet store today.

    Hearing about those kinds of bunnies always makes Betsy and I very sad. I’ve seen (first hand) how rabbits are kept in pet stores. And Betsy can tell you about how terrible it is to live in a cage your whole life, never able to stretch your legs and do a binky or run as fast as you can, just for fun.

    Fortunately my mom knows how Betsy and I feel about these sorts of things, and she lodged a complaint at the store. Unfortunately, it seems like only the store owner can do anything about it – the employees are helpless.

    I know I’m just one rabbit, but if you or anyone you know ever thinks of getting a bunny – please get one from a shelter instead of a pet store. The same goes for just about any type of pet – a store is no place for any animal to live.


    Gus’s Portrait

  • Shedding

    Lately I’ve been having a lot of fun with my dad. He has black carpets in his office, and I come in and roll around on to spread my white fur everywhere. It seems to drive my dad crazy, which is what I like to see. Keep ’em on their toes, I say!

    Betsy has also been helping me with this lately, although her fur isn’t quite as visible as mine, it still shows up really well!


    Gus’s Portrait

  • Bunny Supervising

    I like to check in on my dad every morning, to make sure he’s not slacking off.


    Gus’s Portrait

  • Bedroom Access

    Gus came to me the other day and told me that the bedroom was open, and that mom and dad weren’t chasing us out or closing the door anymore! I have to say, I was very excited.

    Gus had managed to sneak into the bedroom a couple of times before dad chased him out, and he said the bed was just as much fun to hide under as we remembered. So I was really excited when I followed Gus into the bedroom that night.

    Unfortunately, my dad has put some sort of barrier all the way around the mattress so that we can’t get under the bed anymore! I tried digging at it to see if I could get under it, or maybe dig straight through it, but it didn’t work. And my dad kept waking up and telling me not to do that.

    So, although the bedroom is now open to us, our main reason for going in there is gone – or blocked, anyway.

    Although… my dad keeps mentioning something about a bed just for us to hide under, in some place called the spare bed-oom. I’ll have to keep my eyes open for that one.
    We’ll see.


    Betsy’s Portrait

  • Bunny Overlord

    I don’t know why Betsy doesn’t like being up in high places. It gives you a great perspective on things.

    I always like to get up high and survey my domain.


    Gus’s Portrait

  • Spy Photo

    I don’t know what my dad is talking about. This photo is OBVIOUSLY too blurry to be used to positively identify me.


    Betsy’s Portrait

  • I Spy

    I admit, I’m not very social with my mom and dad. I only like to hang out with Gus.

    However, I do like to spy on what my mom and dad are doing from a safe place – like behind a box, or in another room, or under the table. I like to keep an eye on what they are doing, especially during the evening when they’re most active.

    Today, my dad caught me spying on him… but I think I fooled him into thinking I was just lying there. I’ll be keeping an extra close eye on him from now on. He knows too much.


    Betsy’s Portrait

  • Moved, Again!

    So, we’ve been moved… again. Betsy and I do not approve!

    However… this new place… it’s just so… big! I can really run here, and there are these two little steps up into the dining room, and it’s fun to take them with a running jump.

    And I hear tell that we’re going to be getting a second bed, just for us to hide under!

    I think I might just like it here!


    Gus’s Portrait

  • Hay-Brained?

    My dad sometimes says that Betsy is not that bright, and… well… I have nothing to say about that right now!


    Gus’s Portrait

  • Sleepy Betsy

    My dad caught this photo of Betsy (and technically a bit of me) the other day. What can I say, both Betsy and I were really tired!


    Gus’s Portrait