Do Bunnies Tweet?

Recently we’ve noticed our pal Lola the Bunny has appeared again on that “twitter” thing. Which got us wondering… do bunnies “tweet?” Or, more to the point, should we “tweet?”

Dad uses the twitter thing, and obviously if he can master it, so can we.

Would anyone read a twitter feed of me & Betsy?

Dad thinks it would be a waste because all we would ever say is either “eating,” “pooping,” or “sleeping.” But we’ve already established that we don’t listen to a thing dad says.

What do you think?






10 responses to “Do Bunnies Tweet?”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    Me and my bunnies would read it! Sampras and Mr Smithers are always curious what other bunnies are up to 🙂

  2. Glenna Avatar

    Well, if the formerly “missing” cobra in NY can tweet, you guys certainly can!

  3. Abigail Avatar

    I’d read your tweets!!

  4. Lisa Avatar

    I’ve gotta admit, despite being twenty-something, I Still don’t fully understand exactly what twitter is or why, and have never used it. But couldn’t you put like, a “tweet-feed” in your blog? That’d be cool. I’d read it then…

  5. DKM Avatar

    We read Buddy Rabbit – and would read Gus & Betsy 🙂

  6. the bunns Avatar

    You Twits. It is a Hooman trick to put more pellet tokens in their pockets instead of the treat box. Pooey.

  7. Jessica Avatar

    While I DO follow come comic characters, I think I would also follow you guys. I love watching your video of the two of you sleeping and NOT snuggling. I don’t have a bunny cam set up for my own buns, so I watch you two instead if I need a bunny “fix”. You could use the Twitter to update your followers when you have a new blog post, then it would be useful like, rather than an update of “Pooping” “Eating” “Sleeping” “Not Snuggling”. Twitter can also be nice b/c you can respond directly at ppl who leave you comments. Otherwise, I think your blog is just wonderful. I am always happy when I see a new entry in my Google Reader.

  8. Lisa (The Human) Avatar
    Lisa (The Human)

    April fools right?!?!?
    Cute idea tho!

  9. jerry kolbe Avatar
    jerry kolbe

    go for it GUS

  10. Bella Avatar

    We would demand our human slave read us your tweets immediately!