Tag: gus

  • Pats

    I love pats sometimes. Today my dad came home from work and gave me some pats – the nice kind that I really enjoy, right on my head, between my ears. My next favorite pat is when you stroke my whole head and ears, pushing them back. After that, I sometimes like to be patted…

  • Breakfast

    I think someone forgot to put carrots in my breakfast this morning. I’ll have to chew his shoes for that one. -Gus

  • Dinner

    I do so enjoy dinnertime. It’s my favorite time of the day. After a long day of sleeping under the bed, I know I can come out and find a fresh bowl of tasty greens waiting for me. I especially enjoy eating just the leaves off of the parsley – and kale, oh kale! Sometimes…

  • Welcome to my Bunny Blog!

    Hello and welcome to “The Life and Times of Bunnies!” My name is Gus, and along with Betsy, this is our website! We’re just getting started here, so please let us know what you think! Thanks!