Tag: chuck

  • It tastes better right out of the bag

    Look, it just tastes better when you eat it right out of the bag – trust me! -Chuck

  • Yummy Greens!

    Dad says he grew these greens in his own garden, just for us! Thanks, Dad, they taste great… now, could we get some more? -Chuck


    The nice thing about the carpet here is that I can really dig in and get traction for a good run. Everybunny loves a good run now and again! -Chuck  

  • I like climbing on things, OK?

    Look, I like climbing on things as well, OK? -Chuck


    Treats? Why no treats? Got any treats? C’mon, gimmie treats! TREEEEEAAATTSSS!! …Have I mentioned that I really like treats? If you have any, you’d better give them to me! -Chuck

  • BOING!

    Mum and dad always get really excited when they see me jump in the air (they call it a “binky”), but I don’t see what’s so exciting about it – I’m a bunny; of course I can jump! Dad was especially excited when he was able to film me doing it. Now if only he’ll…