A Walk through Windows History

I freely admit, I’m a bit of a history nut. And I also admit I use Windows, and have used Windows for pretty much forever. I should also mention that I’ve personally owned just about every version of Windows to ever exist, at one time or another.

Finally, I should mention that I’m a bit of a pack rat – that is, I don’t get rid of old things. Sometimes this is annoying – other times, it can be very useful (or at least entertaining).

This is one of those times.

Thanks to the wonder of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, I was able to resurrect both Windows 3.11 (for Workgroups) and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 – both of which are versions of Windows I haven’t personally seen in many, many years.

It may seem rather boring to some, but to me, it’s like a stroll down memory lane. Feel free to browse through these pictures I took (gotta love the new gallery feature of WordPress) and share your own memories of Windows long past!

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.