Popularity Contest

I know it’s a silly thing to do, but I sometimes like to look at the visitor stats for this website – as well as for the buns’ website and Amanda’s blog.

Of course, sometimes these statistics are a bit depressing – but that’s neither here nor there. For “entertainment purposes,” here are some recent statistics:

“Home Page” visits in the last 30 days Visits since Amanda started her blog Last month total visits (all pages)
Bunnies 1,134 341 2,482
Me (Core Dump) 405 153 8,941
Amanda’s Blog 108 113 189

As you can see, the Bunnies are clearly the most popular overall. I get more “total” page views because I have over 1,000 posts stretching back several years which cover a lot of different topics. (My post on Manual vs. Automatic is still the #1 page, with my Desktop Madness series being next in line thanks to Google Image Search.)

But Amanda is really coming up strong – since starting her blog less than a month ago, she’s had nearly the same number of visits to her site as I have in the same time period. Amazing!

I think I’ve created two blogging monsters!

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.


  1. Probably not; these were “unique visitors” as reported by Google Analytics, which I trust is pretty good at actually detecting “unique” visitors (as opposed to the same person visiting again and again). At least, to an acceptable margin of error, I suppose.

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