Our Bunny Slave

Dad says he is our slave and has to do all this work in preparing our food for us. (Well, duh, obviously.)

Honestly I don’t see what the problem is – it doesn’t look like much work to me.

Though next time I’d prefer if he put that food in my bowl instead of storing it. In fact, just give it all to me!


betsy face closeup






7 responses to “Our Bunny Slave”

  1. speedyrabbit Avatar

    I agree with you Betsy,nom nom nom,xx Speedy

  2. brandi Avatar

    When I buy greens at the store, I use paper towels to layer on the bottom and top of the containers. It keeps lettuces from going all rotten. Herbs, however, are tricky. Nothing I try keeps herbs from wilting after day one.

  3. the bunns Avatar

    Yum. Yum, yum. Yum, yum, yum. (are you getting the message?)

  4. Shadowydreamer Avatar

    Tupperware has some really nifty storage for veggies that keep them fresh long past the point you think they’d be off. Of course, me being the lazy sod I am, I would buy the organic spring mix, wash, dry and serve. 🙂

  5. brandi Avatar

    Bet-Zee, I heard about your Butt Bath! The nerve of some parents, eh! But I hope your bottom is all shiny and pretty and fluffy again. Eat all your cecotropes, B, and you will have a happy butt without the bath!

    1. Betsy Avatar

      I neither confirm nor deny that any butt-baths took place or that I was in any way involved with them.

  6. brandi Avatar

    Plausible Deniability…Betsy Bunny, new Head of the NSA??