More of our Wild Cousins

Lately there have been a lot of our wild cousins around the house. Dad likes trying to take pictures of them, but little does he know that these are only the ones we let him see.

wild rabbit looks back at me

Even at a great distance, a bunny is alert to you, dad!

preparing to leap

wild rabbit runs away

Boing! Your time is up. No more bunny for you, dad!

little wild rabbit in the grass at dusk

We’re always here. Always watching. And always disapproving.

little wild rabbit

You can’t escape the watchful eyes of the bunny!

little wild rabbit in the grass by the fence

That’s enough for now, I think. Wouldn’t want to tip our paw early.


gus portrait







3 responses to “More of our Wild Cousins”

  1. brandi Avatar

    Haha, Gus, one your home-boys gave Dad the Butt! And such a cute cotton tailed butt it was. I bet Dad got some foot flicks, too.

  2. speedyrabbit Avatar

    Awesome photos

  3. the bunns Avatar
