Oh Dear

Dad’s furminator arrived.

He’s trying to be sneaky and brush us when we’re not looking.

I don’t think so, dad!!






8 responses to “Oh Dear”

  1. furrybutts Avatar

    Aww, Gus.. be kind on your dad. He needs to see if the new tool works. Plus, I’m sure you’ll get a treat after your brushing 😉

  2. Orlando Avatar

    Dude, I was just furminated… sucks. Oh and we tagged you guys

  3. Rabbits' Guy Avatar

    Run Gus, Run ……… oh Furminator. I thought you said Turminator!

  4. bunnygirl Avatar

    We tried that on Tid a couple times. Turned into a bunny-wrestling event and we lost.

  5. D.C. Moll Avatar

    Gus, you making it hard on your dad again…..you know what the vet says about loose fur “better off than in”…..

  6. Freckles & Deb Avatar

    Resistence is futile. The furminator always gets its bun. Hiding might work!

  7. Glenna Avatar

    So does it work on buns? Have you been able to get them to submit just a little? We’d like to try it, but are put off by the $50 price tag for something they may not put up with.

  8. Keithius Avatar

    $50? Ours was only $23.14, from Amazon.com. We got the smaller one (blue handle).

    It works well – gets out a different kind of fur than our regular brush – but the buns will never submit. Only once we’ve caught them and put them on the table to be brushed do they calm down – they know it’s useless to resist at that point. (They put up a fight when I try to pick them up, though!)

    I’m glad I got the furminator, though I wouldn’t recommend it as your ONLY brushing tool.